Love Your Life as a Performer
For actors, singers, and dancers who want to love themselves and their lives WAY more.
Broadway performer & life coach Kelli Youngman empowers high-achieving creatives all over the world. Through Kelli Youngman Wellness, she combines emotional intelligence, mindset mastery, and coaching to help actors, dancers, and visionaries achieve success—from Tony Awards to personal fulfillment.
Visit kelliyoungmanwellness.com to learn more about Coaching with Kelli.
Love Your Life as a Performer
Ep 94: The Frequency of Service
In this episode, we're discussing what it looks like to be in service and how you can be infusing intention into the work that you're doing to build an increased impact and connection to better the world. Who doesn't want that? You ready? Let's do it.
For a full transcript, go to podcast.kelliyoungmanwellness.com.
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In this episode, we're discussing what it looks like to be in service and how you can be infusing intention into the work that you're doing to build an increased impact and connection to better the world. Who doesn't want that? You ready? Let's do it.
Hello, you are listening to the Love Your Life as a Performer podcast. I'm Kelli Youngman and I am the Life Coach for Performers. I help actors, singers, and dancers love themselves in their lives way more so, keep listening to learn how you can love your life, both on and off the stage.
Hello and welcome back to episode 94 of The Love Your Life is a Performer podcast. Now, the episode recording is going to start in just a few seconds, but I do want to preface it with the fact that I recorded this a couple of weeks ago, and it's just now making its way onto the podcast. I am going to trust that this is reaching you at the perfect time, and I hope you enjoy.
I am sitting in a moment of deep gratitude and appreciation and honestly just like overflowing excitement for all the magic that's happening. And to give a little context to this, my partner Terry, my fiance, soon to be husband, was recently drawn by Devon Rodriguez, who is a New York City based artist that has drawn lots of creative individuals and unique human beings, and even Oprah, and the video was just released. And I was sitting with Terry watching this last night and there was just this flood of... oh I'm gonna get emotional... of love and just like awe and wonder of one, not only the quality of human that I have found that I get to share my life with, but also just Devon's frequency and his embodiment of love and just like his unique way of bringing people together through art. All of it, creativity, individuality, celebrating the love and connection of humanity in times where the world can feel so divided. It just has me sitting in this frequency and space of appreciation.
And Terry is an amazing human being. Devon is an amazing human being. And just watching them sit down and share thoughts about the world and people and the importance of togetherness really just amplified something so beautiful in my being. And I'm so, like I said, just so grateful in this moment, especially today as I'm recording this, because it's so easy, and I was saying this to my mastermind today, it's so easy to get caught up on the frequency of our individual growth or our individual self, which of course, as a life coach, I facilitate that space for people all day, every day.
And I was telling them that this is really where two things can be true at once, right? Because yes, when we're so focused on ourselves that we're forgetting the value and reason to do the work on ourselves, that it's actually in service of everyone around us, right? It moves from this place of separation. It's not just like Terry said in the video, it's not just like me, me, me, me, me. Right. It's not just like what I'm doing. It's like, how does what I'm doing impact the people around us? And I do think that it opens up the door to really understand that when we're doing work on ourselves, it's not just for the individual gain.
Right. And there's so many ways that you can look at this and I said it like in the most it was just like clear pure download today as I was talking to my mastermind and incidentally, I forgot to hit the record button on our session, until after I had this like beautiful rant that just came right through me from Source, but it's really understanding that if we're only focused on the goal, whether it's money, whether it's success, whether it's fame... if we're just focused on how that impacts us, we're missing out on, we're missing out on the point, and we're missing out of the texture of the richness of the fullness of cultivating those things.
Because again, as a life coach, a hundred percent, I subscribe to everyone having the most magical, abundant, rich experience that you can imagine and that life gets to be that good and the better it gets, the better it gets.
And this is partially why I think sometimes people reject the idea of continuing to grow because it sometimes comes with this connotation of like it's this selfish perspective. When in reality, you cultivating and you doing your deep work to become exactly who you want to be in the world, which is really always ever a stripping away of belief systems, of paradigms of thinking, of limiting beliefs that no longer serve us, right? Things that we've maybe learned from other people and accepted as true that are not necessarily truths of the universe. Right? If we are still existing inside of those limitations, we might not go for the money. We might not go for the success or the recognition or these things that sometimes again have this idea or misguided label of being selfish or being self centered. When in actuality, all of those things can also be the byproduct of being in service. Right?
Doing the work for yourself to break generational trauma, to let go of generational lines of thinking that are no longer useful or in service of you being your highest self, right? Like doing the work to let go of, to release that, to be freed from it, is always in service of elevating the entire world's frequency. Like, let me say that again. When we slow down to do our own inner work, to really heal what no longer aligns with who you've become, that is a hundred percent in service of the world, like in your everyday sphere of, you know, neighbors or friends or family members or your loved ones, as well as impacting and raising the frequency and the vibration of the entire world.
And so when we're looking at it through that lens, when we're knowing that money, success, like, air quote, "tangible outcomes" are the result of us being our most authentic self, those things no longer have a frequency of wrongness or shame or selfishness. They're just neutral results. And if we're making money in a way that we love, if we're sharing our gifts and talents, whether it's services as an actor or a coach or a consultant, right, if we actually genuinely connect to the way that that adds value to the world and people around us, this is what allows you to become a person of increase, as one of my coaches says.
When you're actively knowing that the work you do, the investments you make in yourself with time, money, and energy, right? Like when you actually invest in yourself, knowing that the outcome is going to be raising the frequency of the world, actually literally making the world a better place, by you learning how to cultivate your own joy, your own happiness, having the emotional bandwidth to hold space for more challenging or difficult emotions, right? That literally impacts everyone around you.
You being more resourced is in service of everyone. And when your result of being resourced comes from being compensated and being paid for what your unique magic is, Are you starting to see how this is, like, such a symbiotic thing? And this comes from really understanding the flow of things coming in, things going out, but really being a steward of the experience and being in service of everyone around you... This is when we get into, like, generosity, and abundance, and overflow of showing up and being a light, of having access to more love. Right. That frequency, that channel allows you to be willing to receive more. It allows you to stop focusing on like the getting, like, What do I get out of this? I need more money. I have to have, like, we move out of that frequency into what becomes flow and service.
Now it's interesting because I feel like what's coming up is I've had conversations with people where they're like, well, I don't want to be in service because that's when I get taken advantage of or that's when I get depleted or that's when you know, I've had to slow down and take breaks. And I think what I want to say to that is that it's about being available for love while still honoring boundaries. Because boundaries are still the highest form of love for yourself when you're being your own caretaker and being responsible. And being responsible for curating the experience you want to have, right?
So we're not being in service of others at the expense of yourself, but we're knowing that prioritizing yourself is in service of others, which allows you to show up and give generously. Are you picking up what I'm putting down, right? Like to actually be a person who makes the world a better place, we have to know how to be resourced. In our energy, in cultivating experiences that we love, in prioritizing our own joy, and knowing how to make space for and allow pleasure beyond our wildest dreams. When we're doing that more of the time we're giving from generosity. Which allows us to receive.
But when we really know that we're all the same thing happening. That is like Terry's go to slogan. We are all the same thing happening. Cause even though our body looks like it ends, if we put our hand under a microscope, we are energy, we're atoms, we have space. We're not actually a solid, meaning like this ends here and the rest of the world is separate. We are all the same thing. We're all connected. And I just want to offer that, again, when you are taking care of yourself, when you learn how to really know and trust that your growth, your healing, your talents, your unique being is valuable, when you know that to be true, not only does it make you more excited, eager, and willing to share that with others, You will know that that puts you into the flow of receiving, when you're generously giving without expectation.
And that doesn't mean we separate our desires or we prolong our desires or that we don't allow ourselves to move towards things that we would love, right? But when we're just simply knowing that us being our fullest, most alive, emotionally resourced, nurtured, supported selves, that it is a gift to the world and everyone around us.
That's what I got for you this week. I just want you to plug into if you really truly knew, if you weren't hurrying and worrying and in doubt about what's coming next, how much more would you be willing to give right now? How much more capacity would you have to love and be in service of others? And then also, how much would you be willing to receive? It's kind of blowing my mind today.
I have a couple other topics that I'm excited to record because again, things are changing rapidly in my clients lives and in my own too. And I'm excited to record those for you as well. But look for the places that you get to nurture the enoughness. Look for, actively look for, the sufficiency that's here.
So often we're projecting that we're going to run out. We're going to run out of money. We're going to be homeless. Like when we start taking risks or investing in ourselves or planning things, so often we can allow that fear to start to surface. But the true nature of the Universe is that we always have exactly what we need. And if you are willing to plant that belief now in your body, in your soul, at the deepest level of your subconscious, you will continue to move with the knowing that the Universe has your back, that you are supported, that you're not separate from other people. And that when you really do allow yourself to tap into the abundance and frequency of love at your highest, you will always only receive more than you ever expected. It's not about getting. It's about giving and receiving, which are actually the same thing.
All right. I love you all. I'll meet you back here next week for another episode.
Hey, I want to invite you to get started because if this is blowing your mind, imagine the impact of when we actually work together. You get to love your life as an actor, singer or dancer, even including auditions. And if that sounds amazing, come join us inside of Momentum. You get lifetime access to The Performers Plan, coaching, community, and more. And I will be supporting you the entire way. Go to kelliyoungmanwellness.com/momentum to join us now.