Love Your Life as a Performer

Ep 89: Trusting Your Intuition with Jackie Giancola

โ€ข Kelli Youngman

In this episode, I am joined by Jackie Giancola to talk about the magic of knowing that things are always working out for you. And when you do lean into that trust and you follow your intuition, it always pays off. You ready? Let's do it.

To connect with Jackie, find her on Instagram @jacqueline_giancola.

To watch this episode on Youtube, click here.

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In this episode, I am joined by Jackie Giancola to talk about the magic of knowing that things are always working out for you. And when you do lean into that trust and you follow your intuition, it always pays off. You ready? Let's do it.  

Hello, you are listening to Love Your Life as a Performer podcast. I'm Kelli Youngman and I am the life coach for performers. I help actors, singers, and dancers love themselves In their lives way more so keep listening to learn how you can love your life, both on and off the stage. 

Hello and welcome back to The Love Your Life as a Performer podcast. I'm so excited because one, this is the first ever recording in person

making history 

podcast and it's so fucking fun because I just, I just like didn't know this was possible. So cool. Anyways, I am so delighted to be joined by Jackie Giancola, one of my dear friends and longtime clients and we're going to talk about the magic that she's been creating in her life over the last, I mean, 

year and a half.



Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And especially like recently. Oh yeah. Shit's been popping off. 

Especially recently.  Especially recently. 

Okay, so Jackie, please introduce yourself and tell the people a little bit about yourself. 

Hello,  my name's Jackie Giancola. I am a singer songwriter. Performer, um, Jack of all trades, one would say,  um I also am a vocal coach and a life coach.

Yay. And, um, yeah, I started working with Kelli about a year and a half ago when I just felt really called to coaching. I had noticed I was doing a lot of work on my own. And I felt almost like I had. plateaued or I felt stagnant. And in all the books that I read about manifestation and mindfulness meditation, kind of being the master of your own mind, it was always like  seek out a coach.

That was, that was always their advice. Like, Even the best coaches have coaches because it just really takes you to the next level. And it had been a couple years where I was just like,  kind of, I felt like I was doing something wrong or I was just waiting for the next thing when I was like, I can't wait anymore. Which is what called me to just put out into the universe, just saying like, I want to coach. And then I stumbled upon you through your sister. Cause I followed your sister on Instagram and she just like put up like an Instagram shout out, oh, like my sister's a life coach. Check her out. If you're interested.

I was like, it's such interesting timing. Cause I just said I wanted to coach like a couple of days ago.  And I really liked your sister. I thought and still think that she's super talented. So in my brain I was like, okay. Then Kelli has to be really talented by proxy. Excellent choice on my part. I was right in my inference.

And that's how we came to meet. And really ever since then, like when I look back on my life a year and a half ago, it's completely, it's flipped on its head. Like almost everything is different in the best way. Um  Yeah, I mean, should we, where do you want to start? 

I know, um, cause there's 

so much,  

Maybe just for context, like you said, you were feeling a little bit stuck, but what allowed you to say yes? Like what.  What was it like for you? Because I think that moment of like knowing you want to make a change and knowing that it's time to leap, I think that comes up for all of us. Yeah. And then when we actually have that moment of saying yes, I think it manifests differently for everyone because we're all different humans.


But what was your specific moment of yes. Like, why was it so important?  

Well, I think just after our first consultation call, I just really, I really liked your vibe and I thought that we were on the same page in a lot of things and in our viewpoints of the world. But also you really emphasize deciding in that first meeting.

Oh yeah. Call to and you're like, okay, if this is something that you've really wanted to do and like, if this is, can we curse? Yeah. Okay. This is like my world and I curse. Okay, great. Same.  Same. It's just like, it's part of the emphasis, but you're like, if it's a fuck yes, like why wait on that? And if it's not a fuck yes, then don't do it. 

And I didn't really feel pressured at all. It just felt really like matter of fact, I like, I didn't feel like you were trying to sell me something.  At all. But also like it was really all for my benefit, you know what I mean? I could also just tell that you were coming from a place of passion because of what it would not just do for me, but like for the world, because when you're living authentically yourself, you make the world a better place, you know, so it was more coming from that lens as opposed to like being a salesman, like it was like,  You were passionate about what you were giving, not necessarily about what you were getting from it. So just from that point, I was like, okay, this feels like very aligned with my intentions and what I'm doing too. So it is a fuck yes for me. I am looking for a coach. Like, why wouldn't I do this? 

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. But Jackie, I feel like for context, you have to tell people about like the big project you were working on at the time that I was like, Oh, Oh, because again, like I work with Fuck Yes clients and when I heard what you had created and what you wanted to bring into the world, I was like, Oh, this is a visionary.

Thank you.  

I'm like excited to help this human who already has like created these amazing things, like really just bring this into the world. Because again, it's all, It's all you. Yeah. Like it's everything is inside of you. Yeah. And it was like, Oh, like once we just like get rid of these little things that are happening, like it's going to get so much easier.

Yes. Like, absolutely. Um, so 

please tell the people what the iconic project that you were working on. Um, 

and still working on to still very much in the works and, you know, has moved pretty far along since we first spoke. Um, but I had written a musical that will go to Broadway and will win tons of Tony awards.

I'm certain of that now.  But at the time I had, I was working with  starting to move forward in production. Um, it was, you know, about to be finished. But really, when are when is a writing project ever finished? It's constantly morphing and changing until its last performance.  But it was sore. It was based on true events, or it is based on true events.

And it was very vulnerable for me to be sharing this with people for the first time because it was also one of my first writing projects ever. So I was struggling with even calling myself a writer, even just identifying with  the title of performer, even though I've been doing it my entire life. I was like, Oh, there, I don't have enough credits or there are so many people quote unquote better than me or who I perceive to be better than me.

So I don't deserve to call myself this. Um, and yeah, I really wanted to find confidence in what I created, in myself, because I knew I'm going to be selling this. If I don't believe in this and where this is going, it's not going to go anywhere. And this project still means so much to me. I really feel like it's aligned in like my life's purpose in my life's work. And so I just wanted to give this the best possible chance to succeed. And I knew that if it wasn't coming from  a place of complete belief, confidence, and a fuck yes from me, it wasn't going to. So I, I was more so at the time, putting that first and like putting personal development on the back burner.

Cause I was like, okay, I know that when I do grow more confidence  and just grow this project, I know I'll grow as well, but I was putting the project first in the beginning and now I feel like it's all has a really good balance.  

And I think that we can all get into a place where it's like, Oh, I am really working hard on this thing.

And once I get there, then I can take care of myself. And I think like understanding that, no, the more I pour into myself, the more I'm going to be available for like all these other things. And.  Like, I feel like that was part of the journey too, is like understanding that they could coexist or that they would even fill and feed into each other. 

Yeah, because we did do a lot of work on like boundaries and communication and processing emotions. Like we did a lot of work on a lot of different things that are just a part of like coaching in general. Yeah, and I think that that impacted the identity piece of who you wanted to be  So, can you tell people a little bit about how your identity shifted once you started working with these tools. 

Oh, yeah So, I mean we talk a lot about like it's the who before the how and like you have to become that person before like the how reveals itself to you um  and like I'm gonna give you this huge compliment if it was not for Kelli I would be in like a horrible deal right now like oh like a horrific. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah I would have said yes to something that would have ruined my life like in perpetuity, not my whole life, but it would have really forfeited my involvement in this project, I would have lost a ton of money in the long run, but it was my first offer and I really didn't know any better.

It sounded to me because it was a first offer, like a ton of money, like life changing, like this was going to push it to the next level, when really it would have  hurt me and my project in perpetuity, like for the rest of forever. And it was really hard to say no to a large sum of money with,  a reputable name attached to it.

But I knew in my gut and in the contract that this is not what I wanted, you know, I would be losing control. I would be losing creative freedom. I'd be losing money. And  I knew that as a Tony Award winning writer and performer, I would never sign that deal.  

I just got chills and I'm like, I mean,  since we're doing video, you can see me and my reaction right now because that's a thing. It's like your intuition knew that it was not a good fit . But when we're in that feeling of like, Ooh, well, look, I like sort of like, I'll take what I can get energy of like lack, scarcity of, I don't know if other offers are going to come. Like that was a huge part of what we worked through too, is like, what does it look like to create safety to let go of what's here? Knowing that something even better can be on the way. Even when we don't see it. 


Right? And like, then it ended up working out so much fucking better. 

So much better. And, too, like, there have just been so many life events and changes to the script, the lyrics, the book, the orchestra, everything. That it's like, If we would have went ahead a year and a half ago, it would not be nearly as good as it is now.

So it's like  reminding myself and like using that as a reference point of, okay, everything happens for a reason. There is a purpose to every single delay and  what it was a year and a half ago isn't what I would have wanted to put out. Yeah. You know? 

Yeah. Oh my gosh. 

And I've also just met so many different people and connections and motivating factors since then that it's like everything that was a year and a half ago, I'm experiencing even better, even more now. So like it didn't, it didn't have to happen a year and a half ago. Like, 

Even though your brain was like, Oh my God, it has to happen right now. It has to happen now where it's not going to happen. Yes. And like, really letting go of that 

and trusting. Yeah. Yeah The trust is so important and like it's really scary and it's a hard thing to do when it's not directly in front of you and you have to believe in the unknown. But  I think you told me this the other week, It's the beginning and the end that matter and you sent me a bunch of sentences where like the words were all misspelled in the middle, but the first letter and the last letter were the same and I was able to read it perfectly fine. Yeah, it's the first and the last that matter like I don't need to know what's going on in the in between I just have to like have that solid vision of what I want in the end. 

Yeah.  Oh my god, so good Okay, Jackie, so I feel like there are two specific stories, okay two or at least one. 


Well, no two two examples of like recent magic 

so much magic 

That Came at a time after we had just started this container. Yes. Of coaching and it was like a huge up level in investment and also in commitment. Yes 

Yes, it was 

Please share the story of the day. You were like i'm about to call Kelli  What did I this doesn't work? Fuck this shit. I'm done with it. 

Oh, I was like  this close, like one set of, I don't know, like in the moment I stopped myself cause I was like, you know what?

Like if I call Kelli right now, I'm going to scream at her and I don't want to do that. Like, I don't, I just like, don't have the energy to curse her off right now. So I'm going to like, give it a day. 

But there was like a period of time that you were struggling a little bit. Oh, 

a little bit.  That's such an understatement.

Oh my God. I'm like, I legitimately like had the, probably like the biggest meltdown to date, like of my whole life. So rightfully so when everyone hears this story, they're going to be like, Oh my God. Like, yeah. Okay. So pretty much I have for the, for the watchers and not just the listeners, I have like shoulder length hair now, which is great.

I actually love it. I'm not going to grow it back out. I love this so much more would have never cut my hair if this didn't happen, by the way, like literally ever. Um, I wore a shitty Amazon cowboy hat. Okay. Like, sorry, Amazon, but that's what it was.  Um,  uh, it was horrible. And I went to a country concert and I was like sweating and I was like really into the music. I was bopping my, I was having a great time. Okay. Before I know it... so I used to have like waist length hair, like thick, like,  really healthy long hair. And for context, 

Jackie was literally Miss New Jersey.  

This is also true.  Um, and my hair was like a huge part of my identity. Like I only ever have long hair ever, even when I was little, I cut it for like a second in the sixth grade and it was still longer than this.

So like, I've always had long hair and I kind of would hide behind it too. Like it was just, it was such a part of everything. I would have never cut it. And so my hair got pulled all the way like through these loops, like in the cowboy hat, it was straw and pretty much matted in the back. 

And, and also because we're doing video, 


going to send me that photo and I'll put โ€Š ๐Ÿ“ that up in the little corner for you to see because it was a disaster.

Oh, Disaster is such an understatement.  โ€ŠSo I was like, you know what, because, you know, alcohol was involved at this concert. I was like, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to deal with this. I put it up. I put it like away so that it wouldn't continue tangling. I slept on my stomach that night so that I like wouldn't move.

And the next morning I was like, okay, let's tackle this. Like, let's get to it. I had tried for like three hours before I called my mom just like crying and being like, mom, like, I'm so sorry. Like you have to come right now. Like I've tried brushing this out for three hours, like all the conditioner, like in the shower, out of the shower with hair, dry hair, wet, like everything.

I was like, it's not moving. Like I've never experienced anything like this. Keep in mind. I had this cowboy hat on for like maybe three hours. It's like.  I, I still, me and the hair salon too, we still don't understand how this happened. So then finally after my mom tried for 10 hours all through the night at 5 AM, she's like,   we need to go to a professional.

So I was like, okay, okay, fine. Like let's as long as we get this taken care of because I kept saying I was like cutting my hair is not an option like it's not an option and my mom was like well you might have I was like  no I was like shut up like we were  screaming I was like it is not an option like get that through your head right now it's not happening so we go to the hair salon. They look at it and they're like oh don't worry we just had someone who was bedridden for six months in the hospital, could not brush their hair.

They said it was three times the size of yours. And we didn't, she lost like a little bit of hair, but we didn't have to cut it. We kept the length. Like we got it out. It was fine. It took a while, but it was fine. You'll be fine. So now I like breathe a sigh of relief. I'm like, they got me. It's fine.  โ€Š ๐Ÿ“ 

10 hours in.  She looks at me. She's like, I'm, I don't know. I don't, I don't know how this happened. Like, I don't understand. โ€ŠLike, I'm like, no one understands. There were people coming over and just like squeezing my shoulder and being like, it's going to be okay. Like, you're going to be okay. Like we have to cut it, but like, you're going to be fine.

And I'm just like sobbing now because this is, this is my hair. Like. Again, this is literally  part of my identity. I've never been without this. And I just hear the scissors like this close to my ear, like right next to it, just like cutting through it. And I'm just, I'm just sobbing. And so she had to like cut the mat out at like 1 a.

m. So I, Was I literally was leaving like with a giant like hole and like in my head and the rest of my hair And it felt like I had no hair left Because she had to like cut the rest of it and style it the next day So I was gonna have to come back in so I was literally like at rock bottom I was gonna call you and be like this shit doesn't work like clearly Clearly like this wouldn't happen to me if the if things were going right and if everything happens  I'm, like cursing out god.

I'm like cursing out everyone. I'm like, how could you let this happen to me? Like and also it was  literally like ripping my hair out. And when I went, I got like a professional massage done the next week. And he asked me, did you get in a car accident? Like it was that like bet, like my muscles were that bad.

So I'm just like really going through it. Um, I'm fed up with everything. And then the next morning I was like, you know what, I'm going to just try to think about how Everything is happening for me. Like really going through the mantras that we go through, the beliefs that I know that I have. It was like,  I don't know why this is supposed to happen, but it is.

Um, I'm not going to let this ruin the rest of my weekend because it was Labor Day weekend. I'd had plans. I had gotten invited to like a really exclusive party and I was like, I'm not going. I don't want to go. And my mom is like, you have to, all my friends are like, you have to go. Like, when are you going to be able to go to this again?

I was like,  fine, I'll go. I was like, I'll go. And then I was like, I have nothing to lose at this point. I just lost my hair. Like, I'm just going to like, Rage like I'm gonna rock out right now because it was like the band was gonna be really good So I was like whatever screw it So we go to the party and I was free of all inhibitions because I just lost my hair but somehow it looked good  Yeah, like it looked really good.โ€Š ๐Ÿ“ 

So i'm like feeling myself with my new hair I'm, like wait, I actually kind of like it โ€Šand then I was looking in the mirror. I was like Wait, do I look better than I did before? This is kind of crazy because just like the angles of my face like everything just like looked like Way better and then I would saw my friends.

They're like, what are you talking about? Like this is great. Like I would have just thought you got a haircut and it's amazing. Like this is like an up level I was like, okay guys, whatever. Okay, fine. Let's go to the party. So So we go to the party. I like I said just like lost in all inhibitions The band is going my friends are somewhere else.

I don't even care I don't care about anything. I care about the music and having a good time. So I'm literally like head banging because now I have all this freedom. I'm not going to like hit people with my super long hair. So I'm just like, like flipping it, like really going, going nuts, really. And, um, the members of the band were really vibing with me.

And at the end, one of the members of the band, which it's a a really good man. You would know  them. Yeah, I'm not going to name drop, but like you would for sure know them and they were an idol of mine growing up, um, and my family and just like an idol of New Jersey in general. And, um, One of the band members came up to me and was like, you were having a great time tonight.

It was like, yeah. He was like, thank you so much because you made that so much more enjoyable for us. And we were having so much fun with you having so much fun. And too, I was just like having the time of my life that I met so many people that night and connected with so many people because they wanted to have fun with me. They wanted to come dance with me.  And then we've stayed in touch. I went to Nashville and met up with some of them, made some great business connections literally because I was like going feral  dancing, because I was free of this hair.  

And then one of my friends said to me that hair holds energy. And when you cut that, like you're cutting old ties to like an old life and you're starting fresh energetically. And literally ever since I cut my hair, I've been the busiest I've ever been when it comes to like career opportunities, filming other podcasts, making music, writing, I wrote a song in like 30 minutes that 

and it's good. 

I mean, I like it. That's like gotten me into rooms that I wouldn't have been in before. And just had so many creative and artistic breakthroughs since cutting it where I was like, wow, if I would have never cut my hair, I wouldn't be experiencing any of this, literally any of this. And once it was over, I was able to see the purpose of why this needed to happen.

Oh, and I've been telling this story. I've been telling everyone, like, I've been showing the before and after pictures because it's insane. And I've made so many deep personal connections with people because like, it's just such a conversation starter and it's coming from a place of being vulnerable. And we immediately bond over this story. And it's just really opened me up to so many incredible people. 

And in hindsight, I'm like, wow, cutting my hair was literally, the best things to ever happen to me. I've told everyone I'm a new person now. Like I'm not worried about anything. Anything could happen and I know, like I will look back on this experience and be like, no, this is a good thing. 

Because remember when I literally thought my life was over and literally was on the, like I was telling my mom, I was like, mom, I'm like, this is it. Like this is it. And she's like, no, no. Like it's just hair. Like you're going to get through this. I'm like, no, I'm not. It's not okay. But now looking back, I'm like, I'm going to remember this moment forever and be like, no matter what happens, even if it feels like shit in the moment, it's happening for me and it's a good thing. Everything is a good thing in the end. And it was  yeah, 

I just got chills. Yeah, it is like  when shitty things are happening. Of course it feels terrible Like of course it feels terrible. 

Oh, yeah, 

but it's like When we can at least just soften and know that it is happening for us Even if it doesn't make sense right now that it is happening for a greater good, I think it allows us to one, like have our own backs in that moment and support ourselves because again it doesn't mean you can't be upset about it.

Oh, I had my moment. 

And so like you can feel those feelings and lean into it and still know that's something amazing is on its way. 

And I didn't know what at all, but I just kept telling myself literally because it was saving my life, these mantras, because it felt like literally the worst thing that could have ever happened. That's what that felt like. I literally used to have nightmares about like my hair falling out or having to cut it. I would have nightmares of being out in the city and someone just like cutting my hair. And so I lived kind of the nightmare and everything was great. Yeah, everything was fine. It was actually better than it was before. 

So, this was just like I said, I will refer back to this for the rest of my life when I feel either hopeless or I feel like the worst thing is happening, because it really ends up being one of the best things. 

It was like a total quantum leap.

Total quantum leap, yeah. 

In your reality of like, this is who I'm being. Yep. Like it was like the most loving  unexpected turn of events to invite you into this next chapter. 

Yes, no, absolutely. And it's like, I couldn't have.  I couldn't have planned for anything to happen to go as well as it did too. I was just open to any possibility and open to the fact that this could actually be the best thing for me and it ended up being that way. So it's like even though I had zero  idea of what that could be it ended up being better than I could have created in my own imagination 

Yeah, and so then mm hmm Jackie also manifested something WILD.

Oh this is crazy.  This is this might be even more insane and I'm still like every person I show this they're like what? How? That they don't even understand they can't comprehend how this is real and neither can I? Like still, but it is real. I've checked in multiple different avenues. Like it is real. 

So  everyone knows that the Northern lights were recently visible from New York city. I was in Florida at the time and the Northern lights, like seeing the Aurora Borealis, like it has been on my bucket list forever, literally forever. And I have known always that it's something I'm going to do because I'm going to make sure that happens. 

And when I was in Florida, I was like, Oh,  the one time I'm not here, you can see them. And I legitimately said out loud to my friends, I'm like, it's fine. I'm going to go to Iceland one day and see the lights. And they're going to be so much better than like the little you can see in New York. So. Whatever. It's, it's not the world. 

Four days later, I'm walking out of Bryant park and I'm with a friend who is also at the time, like an employer. So we had just finished creating choreography and all this stuff for an event. And we're walking out and a man with a tiny microphone sticks it in our face. And usually I'm like, no. And I just keep it moving. But then, my friend slash boss on this day gave a response. Then I was like, Oh,  I'm going to have to give a response now. Cause he just did so fine. Like whatever. 

They ask, why would you want to go to Iceland? And I said, because I hear it's so safe that people leave their babies in strollers outside when they're going shopping or they're going out to eat because they trust that the people will take care of them. So I'd really want to experience that. And everyone was like, Oh my God, is that true? And then the people who were interviewing me were like, yeah, that actually is true. Like what a great response. We loved your response. 

And then they start going into how you could win an all expense paid free Icelandic adventure, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, yeah, okay. Like, cool. I literally said, what's the catch? They're like, no catch. We came from Iceland literally just to do this, like  prize or whatever, sweeps, whatever you want to call it. I was like, yeah, okay, sure. They literally have me on camera going like.  That's a scam.  I'm walking away like, don't get your hopes up because that's a scam. And  ๐Ÿ“ they were like no one will talk to us  We've been here for two days. No one will talk to us only seven people have given us their contact for us to reach out to them. So you have a really good chance of winning and I said, okay  Sure.

And then I said to my friend, I was like, can they get anything from my Instagram or like my WhatsApp number? Like they can't get my bank account information from that. Right. He's like, no. And they're trying to tell me like, we would never do that. Blah, blah, blah. I was like, yeah, okay. Like we're in Bryant Park right now and you have a tiny microphone. You think I'm going to trust you? All right. 

So fast forward a couple of days, I get a FaceTime on WhatsApp and I know that it's Their number. So I answered  and they're like, we've picked you to win this Icelandic adventure, like out of everyone in New York. I was like, what? Okay. Like I said, you need to prove to me that you're not going to kidnap me. That this is a legitimate hotel, organization, legitimate trip. Because I'm not gonna like get my hopes up, for what. 

So they sent me  the hotel's contact information all, of the videos from the instagram that they're doing this big competition or contest. They send me the employee page on the hotel's website, and it's all their pictures on it. Like everything seems really legit. So they're like,  can you come meet us anywhere you want in New York anywhere you want, anywhere you feel comfortable. Bring whoever cuz like they're still trying to convince me that they're not gonna kidnap me.  And they're like we'll film your reaction. Like this is real. This is real. We would never do this to you. 

So I'm like, okay. I'm still not sure if I'm gonna do it, but I tell them okay and in my gut like after looking at everything, after they emailed me from the hotel's official email, the hotel itself called, like, they tried  to verify in so many different ways. And then like, I verified with other people. I had a friend who ended up staying at the hotel. So I know the hotel is real. And I'm just like, you know what? I really think this is real. Like, it seems too good to be true. I really think this is real.  

This is where I made a mistake. So then I'm like, you know what? Let me just ask some people, like, let me just like, get some feedback. Yeah, 

We all do this right. And it's like, never it. 

Yeah. Even though I knew, like my intuition was telling me this is real. And even though it seems way too good to be true, I really think this is real. So what I was like, let me just like bounce this off of some people. So I call a couple of friends and then I call my parents and their reaction was jarring. 

All of them were like, I will beat your ass. If you go, this is a sex trafficking ring, like do not go. My parents are like, I can't believe we've raised such a naive child. Like, I can't believe you're acting like this right now. You better not go.  And so now for a split second, I'm like, Oh, I'm dumb. Like I am stupid. This is not going to work. I'm going to get all my information stolen and like have identity theft or get kidnapped. Like, wow. 

Then I hang up with everyone. I'm like feeling really sad. And I was like, Oh, something in I just really think this is real. Like I had that.  I'm like, I just really think this is real. And if I see someone else on this Iceland trip, I will hate myself the rest of my life. Like if I deny this, I will literally hate myself the rest of my life. So I don't tell anyone and I go to like do the film, the reaction. 

On the way, Jackie messaged me.

It was like this is an emergency.  

And I'm like, alright, send me a voice memo. Like, what's going on?  And, I'm not gonna lie, in that moment, I really did ask Jackie, are you asking as a friend or as a coach? Yeah. And I just gave her my feedback. And,  I mean, even as a human, right? And as a woman, once you have that seed planted of like, Oh, you could be sex trafficked, I was like, Oh God, like, this is like 


Yeah, it was scary. But what I said to Jackie was like, what is your intuition say? Yeah. Because no one can know better than we know for ourselves. Yeah. Right. Like no one can know better than us. And I said, if everything in your gut is telling you it's real, you're going to a public place, like you've done this on your terms. Like what if you just trusted that your intuition is correct? 


And so that is what I offered you in that moment. Yeah. And you were like, alright, I'm going. 

Yeah, and I also want to give just some background. A year and a half ago, if this would have happened to me, I would have just blocked their number. Because I would have been so,  like, affected by everyone else's opinion around me. I would have just blocked their number and then I probably would have just gotten really sad and insecure for the next couple months. Because I would've been like, wow, I'm so stupid. Like, how did I let somebody get my hopes up like that? Or like, how did I let this, you know, like I would've just blamed myself and been really mean to myself probably for a couple months after that. And then been like, Oh my God, I just embarrassed  myself to all my friends and family by even thinking that this is real. And even giving like my WhatsApp number.

But that is not what happened. And this is not a year and a half ago. This is now. So I was like, you know what? I was like, I really, really think this is real. And like, I'm just going to go with it. Like I can hold my own. I brought my pepper spray just in case. 

Well, Jackie has also actually lifted a 200 pound table. And that was part of my argument as well. I was like, Jackie, you've literally lifted a 200 pound table by yourself. Like, you know what signs there are, to create your safety, and you know what's required. Yeah. Like you can trust yourself. Yeah. A hundred percent. 

And I, I agreed with that. It was like, you know what?  I'm going to do this. So I go and fast forward to now, my flight to Iceland is booked,  itinerary is sent. In all their videos, they're like, we're traveling to New York to find one lucky New Yorker for this Icelandic adventure where we're trying to wow them every day. So this isn't just a trip to Iceland. This is like The trip to Iceland. And they're going to be filming me the whole time. And it's like, I'm not like an influencer on the trip, but it is an influencer trip. So they're like doing excursions 24 seven. I'm going to be with a bunch of like very influential and well established people, so it's going to be a great networking event as well.

And like everything is covered and taken care of and they're filming my reactions throughout, which is even better because now I don't even have to worry about taking pictures or any of that. I'm going to have this all documented for myself. It's just going to be like the most epic trip ever.

And on top of all of this, which is even crazier is the Northern Lights are going to be the strongest they've been in 500 years in November. And I am going in November. So it's going to be like, not just seeing the Northern Lights, like, seeing something that people probably won't see for another 500 years.


So even better than anything I could have ever planned myself. And all I said was like, guys, I'll go to Iceland one day. Like, it's not a big deal. Like, 

well, and I love this example so much. It's insane. Because  One, you had the desire, like it was clear, it was in you, and there was trust and certainty that it was going to happen. It was like whether it's now or later, this is happening.  And even when shit started happening and you're like, this is too good to be true,  you gave yourself permission to say: what if it's not? What if I am allowed to receive an all expenses paid trip to a dream destination  and be in community with these influential people that also aligns with the identity, your Created Identity of being a celebrity, of being number one on the charts, of being yeah a Tony Award winning writer and performer. Like we have actively been planting the belief and creating the belief even before the result, and so I just feel like this trip came at a time where everything aligned. Yes. Because you were in alignment.

Yeah. Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure  Probably like the most in alignment I've ever been, at that point. And I had been saying for a really long time to like I would love to you know expand my social media following so that I could be invited on trips like this and like meet really cool people on trips like this. 

Yeah, like this isn't just fulfilling the vacation aspect. Now it's also a goal of being on a trip with people who are really like making moves in their field and have large followings and Are good people like because they've been vetted for a long time to even be invited on this trip So it's just checking like every single box and it worked out so much better and so much faster Than I ever thought I thought I wouldn't be invited on a trip like this for at least like a couple of years Yeah, you know and I was just open to the possibility.

I let it go and it is better than anything I could even imagine and everyone was telling me they're like, Usually if it's too good to be true it is. No, this is even better than. Like, it is, it feels too good to be true, but it's, it's true. Yeah, it's true. 

Yeah. Oh my God, Jackie. Okay. I feel like we could sit here and talk literally forever. Yeah. But if we are going to wrap this episode up with a little bow, what's the biggest thing you'd want people to take away from your experiences, but also your growth and your journey in expanding your belief in yourself and your dreams. Because I do think we've 10x those dreams 

10x, yeah. 

In the  over the last year and a  half. So 



Yeah, if there's  one thing that you really want people to take away from this. What would it be?  I know it's hard. 

Yeah.  Okay. I'm gonna i'm gonna make it like framed as one thing, but it might be like two or three. That's okay, but pretty much  trust your intuition  even if it feels far fetched or like too big of a dream, you know, or how could I ever possibly do that? Like if you feel called to something and if inside of you, everything is pointing towards that, like  I had never written or produced anything before I wrote this musical and the show and now I've written and produced so many more things I never even considered myself to be a writer. But my intuition was telling me I was a writer this whole time and that I was meant to do this. 

And just same with like the Iceland trip, everyone telling me that's not real. My intuition telling me like, no, I really think it is. So pretty much follow your intuition regardless of what anyone else tells you, regardless of whether on paper it sounds impossible or it sounds very far fetched and unrealistic.  Anything is realistic if you believe it is, you know, like reality is what you make it. So if you think it's realistic and you think that you're called to do something and it's possible  Go and do it  Yeah 

So good. Yeah  so, so good. Jackie, thank you for coming on the podcast and sharing this. I know everyone will be seeing a lot more of you and I'm sure people will want to follow you and like follow this trip and all the iconic things that are about to come and drop into your reality. How can people connect with you? 

So I'm on Instagram. It's Jacqueline_Giancola. You can find me there. 

Amazing. All right. That's what we got for you today. I will see you back here next week for another episode. Bye.  


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