Love Your Life as a Performer

Ep 84: Build Momentum in 30 Days

Kelli Youngman

In this episode, we are talking about building momentum in your career, and I want to show you how you can be doing that in the next 30 days. You ready? Let's do it. 

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In this episode, we are talking about building momentum in your career, and I want to show you how you can be doing that in the next 30 days. You ready? Let's do it. 

Hello. You are listening to the Love Your Life as a Performer podcast. I'm Kelli Youngman, and I am the Life Coach for Performers. I help actors, singers, and dancers love themselves and their lives way more. So keep listening to learn how you can love your life, both on and off the stage.

Hello, and welcome back to episode 84 of the Love Your Life as a Performer podcast. I am honestly bursting, bursting  with energy and  honestly, it's the most refreshed that I felt in a while. And  I'm honestly just enjoying and riding the wave of momentum in my own performing career. I recently shared a post on Instagram, or you might've received it as an email if you're on my email list,  that  really just documented how I've generated momentum for myself over the last 24 days,  if you're listening to this in real time. 

But starting on September 1st, while I was producing and co choreographing my first New York Fashion Week show  with my fiancé and my younger sister,  I realized that I was feeling a little bit of disconnect from my performing career.  I've gotten to a place with myself where I don't necessarily panic when I notice that this feeling is coming up and it's always a loving invitation to plug back in  to that part of me, to the part of me that is excited and eager to be performing on stage, doing what I love.

And so,  I had this moment of realizing, okay, July and August, I was kind of recovering from Bell's palsy and giving my body like luxurious time to rest and do nothing. And that also included kind of stepping back from  doing the podcast some weeks and, you know, feeling like I had to show up on social media all of the time for my coaching business. And so anyways, all of that intentional rest.  Really invited me to see that there was a longing to be performing again. And so literally on September 1st,  I set the intention that I am a Broadway performer,  like not even the intention, but like just declared, reconnected, recommitted to this belief for myself  and the universe.  personally and publicly by posting a little headshot on Instagram. 

And it's been so  freaking fun and wild to watch what has transformed since then. Fashion week was September 6th, right away. We went out of town for one of my best friend's weddings. We got back to New York and you know, even then there was like a little bit of like, okay, gonna rest, recover.

And things transformed quickly,  right? Like in the last two weeks, I was in the room for three Broadway shows, two regional productions, and then I had two self tapes for TV shows.  And then, like I posted that on Instagram, sharing like, wow, this has just been raining in. Like a mix of ECCs and appointments and callbacks,  but then as I re- shared some of my takeaways today on Facebook, I realized that even since I last posted that,  I had another self tape for a CBS show  and  I had two more Broadway auditions on my calendar.

 And  it's just so wild, and also not wild at all, that this is happening.  Because when I declared that I was going to be in the energy and embodiment and being of myself as a Broadway performer, right? And I say Broadway performer, but clearly I'm also expanding what that means in the sense of acting more and wanting to do film and TV and movies and expanding my vision as a performer.  I've been plugging into it regularly. Meaning I've been giving myself time every day  to really  feel and know  and take action for my performing career. 

Now, I don't tell you this to create compare and despair by any means. And I do share this as an example of what's possible when you have a clear, repeatable system  for plugging into your vision as a performer.  And I have done this time and time again, in my performing career, I will think about being a performer and then within the hour, get an audition. I will think about  how much I love performing and then get a self tape. And. It's not because I'm a magician.  Maybe. Some kind of magician.  Really, we're all conscious creators, in co creation with the universe.

And so this is my loving invitation to come join us inside of Momentum,  because I'm going to be sharing this process, The 30 Day Reboot  inside of Momentum for everyone to learn.  I want everyone to feel like they know how to turn the faucet on and off for performing opportunities.  Or.  Like knowing that maybe you're getting married. Maybe you have life things going on that you want to do. Have a baby. I don't know all of the things. Clearly you can see where my brain is at.  But we get to feel and know and trust that whether it's a circumstance we're stepping away for, like intentionally or not even stepping away from but like giving ourself permission to tend to something in our personal lives and or maybe it's like navigating an injury, right?

But we get to deal with and embrace circumstances in our life, whether they're wanted or unwanted and know that at the end of it, our career is not in jeopardy, right? Like our career is always This living, breathing, thriving thing that we get to just simply dance with.  And I want everyone to know the magic that you are.

When you understand how to use your thoughts for you,  when you understand what it's like to consciously create your career, instead of sort of sitting back and waiting for something to happen.  And so in The 30 Day Reboot that I've been. Recording videos for all day. I've been having the most fun.  And I say that with love because there's been other times where I've created programs or videos where it felt a little bit like,  Oh my gosh, this is pulling teeth.

And I really do attribute that to my recent investment in my new mastermind that I'm doing  where I'm really doing the deep work to feel safe to be leading all of you and myself through this journey of really loving our careers as performers. And I've never felt more certain  of the value and the gift that I have to offer this industry.

Because really, truly, if all of us were feeling so lit the fuck up about our careers and trusting what's coming and feeling confident in auditions, right? Like really knowing that our dreams are available to us and that we get to be joyful and happy and resourced, emotionally, physically, mentally during this process, imagine the creativity that would just pour out of all of us. Imagine the love that would ripple through the world as the result of the impact that each one of us is choosing to make when we embody  and fully access and share our gifts and talents freely,  right? When we're not holding back or feeling shy or timid about being seen or witnessed in our brilliance,  like that really, truly has a deep  ripple effect on all of humanity.

Okay, so  again, you're welcome for my most recent investment and like truly this is a gift that I want to keep on giving. So if you have not joined us inside of Momentum yet,  this is the perfect time for two reasons. The 30 Day Reboot is going live on October 1st. If you're already in Momentum, fantastic. There's nothing you need to do. You will just have access to that inside of your Members Area. And the reason number two is that there is a new payment plan. So  there's never been a more accessible way to get access to the tools and support that you deserve, because I promise I've been doing this work for a long time.

And by making this investment in yourself, you are going to shorten the time it takes you to master this process and to come back to loving yourself and your career time and time again.  Because again, the beauty of this process is that you can come and plug into it anytime you need a little refresher. Anytime you just want to be guided back to loving yourself and having a clean energy about your career.

What I mean by that is feeling good, feeling an integrity about being an artist. Feeling  full of value and generosity when you're giving your talents to the world, rather than like simultaneously feeling like it's the most selfish thing or that there's other more important things to do besides the arts or that, you know,  I don't know, like that you have to sacrifice in order to do this.  Because again, there's just so many ways to generate money, even as artists in ways that we love and if that's your jam, make sure you're on the waitlist for THE PARADIGM that's going to be enrolling in November because we really dive into that in that room.  But we do the foundational work inside of Momentum.  Okay? So,  really truly, head on over to to join us now.

 And  really on this week's episode, I just wanted to take a moment for you to check in. How is audition season feeling for you?  And even if you're in a current Broadway show. Again,  as much as we like to think, Oh, once you're in the show, it's over. Right? Like even when you're in a show, you're still thinking about what's my next move. What else would surprise and delight me? What else would I love to create in my career?  And so while having a contract is such a beautiful gift, especially an open ended run,  like there's always room to be thinking about what's my legacy? What else would I love to create? What else would I love to experience in my performing career? And so I say that for everyone, people aspiring to be on Broadway, people who have been on Broadway, people who are on Broadway right now  and or in dance companies or any other  facet of this industry, right?

I think it's so easy to think that once we get there, we won't have these lingering questions. But we still have human brains, even when we're on contracts. So really the question is.  Yes, through the lens of audition season, because I'm like fully in it right now. This like September rush, it feels like, I don't know, really fun, like that back to school energy.  And I'm just curious to know, how is it feeling for you?

So use this week's episode as an opportunity to check in.  How are auditions feeling?  And if you're not necessarily in the momentum of audition season, in going to ECCs and like actively looking for new jobs, again, maybe the question for you is  how am I feeling in my career?

Inside of The 30 Day Reboot, we're going to be looking at all of these thoughts that contribute to The Energy of Your Career. Thoughts about you, thoughts about your career, thoughts about auditions, and thoughts about the industry.  So just know, like if you're like, Oof, I can see that I'm having some judgments. It's not super clean up in this brain. Not a problem. We're going to sort it out inside The 30 Day Reboot. And,  like, this is just again, an opportunity to check in.  Where have you maybe been creating limitation?  Where have you maybe been creating pressure? 

I was talking to a client today and it was really interesting to watch their brain, and I think we've all been there, but kind of create standards and want to hold ourselves to them.  So like thinking it's make or break a little bit if we go to an audition, or feeling a little guilty. If we sit one out, right. Yeah.  I don't think there's any good, bad, right or wrongness about, you know, the thoughts that were coming up for my client.  But I think it's really interesting when we just sort of start delegating our feeling and our knowing and our trust in being a performer  to external circumstances.

 And again, I say this with love because in some ways, I think you can intentionally choose to use auditions as a way of plugging into your talent, experiencing your talent, doing the craft, getting to be in the lived experience of being a performer. And Like it's not a requirement, right? Like there's not like  an air quote, minimum number of auditions we should be going to, to get to call ourselves a performer. Right. But we do want to be aware of where are we using ideas, concepts, tools against ourselves? And how could we be using them for us? 

I said that in the very beginning of my podcast when I began, like,  the tools, the concepts, the ideas that I share on this podcast are all a gift and you really do get to just try everything on and see how it resonates and I want you to be willing to see how it fits, even when, especially when your brain is resistant.  And at the end of the day, this is your life. You get to decide what you keep and what you toss, what resonates and what maybe doesn't fit.  There's no good, bad, right or wrong in that either. Okay.  So just check in.  How are you feeling?

And  what would it be like if you connected to the vision? More than the conditions.  This isn't about like putting on a false sense of hope or being like really like  I don't know disengaged from your career by living in the fantasy  and  I highly subscribe to living in the fantasy  I highly subscribe to connecting to the vision and allowing myself to feel those feelings now, to feel those feelings ahead of time Right. So part of what I do for myself and part of what I have been doing for myself  is being really clear about the joy of walking out of the stage door to cheering fans.  the joy of signing autographs every night.  Interestingly enough, like when I was in shows, I would avoid it like the plague. I'd be like, Oh God,  like, I don't have time for that. They don't want to see me. I'm just in the ensemble, right? Without realizing, unintentionally the burden I was creating by engaging with people who wanted to celebrate my work.  It's so funny how we have different perspective in different circumstances. Right. 

But I have been  plugging into that feeling.  And I think  the difference or the balance is allowing today to be enough,  right? So we don't use these visions.  To escape reality by thinking that over there is going to somehow magically be better than here because again,  spoiler alert, I think we all know this, the job doesn't equal success and confidence and all of the things, right?

Like our life doesn't magically get better  once we have what we've been waiting for the dream job, the money, the house,  the partner. We still have the same brain and the quality of our life is going to come down to the quality of our thinking and the quality of our tools and ability to process emotions in real time and be human  and present with what it is to be alive as a human.

Okay. And  like, I think that's part of why the work that I do is so incredible and valuable  because yes, we can find the balance of creating the vision and plugging into it and allowing it to move us with certainty in action towards what we desire  and we're still finding ways to appreciate  and acknowledge what we're doing today that feels so fucking good. 

Okay. So this is your invitation for this week is to do a little check in. How is it feeling to be you?  Are you letting yourself witness the brilliance, the commitment,  the energy that you're giving your career right now?  Like, are you seeing how talented you are when you walk in a room?  And even if you don't feel like it was your best, are you allowing yourself to be proud of showing up, of giving it your all, right?  While holding on to and staying tethered to the belief that everything that you desire is coming. 

And if any part of that process feels unclear or uncertain, where you're like, yeah, but how? How do I do that?   This is my loving invitation to come do the work with us inside of Momentum.  In The 30 Day Reboot, you're going to get all of this and you're just going to have a coaching container and hello, me, a life coach  that facilitates this work all day, every day.  So that you really can not just like grin and bear it and like, you're like, Oh God. Okay. I'm toughing it out. This sucks. This feels terrible. And yay. My dreams are coming. No, we want you to like, be willing to feel the hard,  but not have to like grin and bear the hard. Those are two different things.  Right? So if things aren't feeling super delish, I'm sending you love. If things are feeling super delish, I'm sending you love.  And. As a reminder, you are just so divinely guided, loved, and held. And if you're wanting to experience more of that space and support,  it's simply here when you're ready for it. You don't have to wait till next audition season to start feeling amazing.  Come hang out with us in a space where this is the work we're doing.  All right. That's what I got for you this week. Keep expanding the vision. Give yourself permission to be accurate and get accurate and be truthful with how you're feeling.  And if you want support,  it's 100 percent here. All right. I'll meet you back here for another episode.

Hey, I want to invite you to get started. Because if this is blowing your mind, imagine the impact of when we actually worked together, you get to love your life as an actor, singer, or dancer, even including auditions. And if that sounds amazing, come join us in the future. Inside of Momentum, you get lifetime access to The Performers Plan, coaching, community, and more. And I will be supporting you the entire way. Go to to join us now.